What to Expect From a Mold Remediation Company

Mold remediation is the removal as well as cleanup of mold present in indoor environments. It is very important to tackle your mold problem head on before it starts to cause damage to your home and health.

Causes of Mold

Many building materials can sustain the growth of mold. It is mainly caused by the presence of moisture or water indoors and grows on organic materials. Organic materials consist of things that were once living. Most mold growth is found on wood floors or wooden studs. It can also be encouraged by a lack of drying of building materials like concrete. Leaky roofs, flooding, problems connected with plumbing, and building maintenance can result in the growth of mold indoors.

Hiring a certified remediation contractor is not required but when it comes time to sell your home, you are required by law to disclose any mold incidences in your home including floods. If the work was done by a licensed certified Remediator, they should require a mold clearance test for the area. This gives your buyer proof that the work was done by a competent mold remediation in Charleston, SC.

If you decide to hire one, it is generally safer and more effective than a “do-it-yourself” approach because they use special equipment. In either case, always follow safety precautions to reduce exposure to mold by using protective clothing, a respirator, and eye protection. I have seen lots of “Handyman Disasters of Mold Remediation” that go wrong and contaminate the entire house. Remember to always protect the rest of the house from contamination with the proper containment.

Addressing Mold Remediation and Mold Removal

First and most important to fixing the mold issue is finding and fixing the moisture issue. Likely this will be in the vicinity of where the mold has been spotted. If the source of the moisture is not fixed and only the mold is cleaned it will come back. The problem is only masked at that point. In fixing the issue it is important to resolve to gain control over the moisture levels. If the levels in one given room are over fifty-five percent the best option is a dehumidifier.

If a leak or flood has occurred the problem is more clear and defined. This will be a matter of removal of the excess water using a pump to clear the area of water. From there it is important to ensure that the area is completely dry. This is possible using fans to circulate the air and a humidifier. All wet items should be removed and properly taken care of. Problems that go unattended for over forty-eight hours can lead to the most complications. Immediate care and resolution are the best options in mold remediation.

The next step after removing and finding the source of the issues is to clean and remove the mold. Before this is even started it is advisable to prevent the spores from scattering. When the mold becomes airborne it will start to reproduce on whatever it lands on given the conditions are right. To prevent these areas of mold growth from spreading each area should be blocked off and cleaned separately. You can do this by sealing the room with plastic sheeting and place tape on the edges as a seal. Air purifiers are wise to run throughout the space.

Why Use a Mold Expert

Mold can just be wiped away and thrown out, so why go through the hassle of finding an expert and then paying for their so-called “expertise?”

Well, there’s more to removing mold than just wiping a polluted service. Sure mold can be wiped away, but it doesn’t stay away. By using the best resources that are accepted and used by hospitals, you can feel sure that the mold problem is being resolved.

Be sure to research the guarantees of mold remediation as well as the company offering the service.